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The "Orange Monster" Machine

Well I would like to introduce you all to my "orange monster" machine. In these here parts of south central ontario, I am known to tear up the lawns with this here machine of mine. I love to race and do "wheelies" with it. But for the most part I just take her out and let her rip. Once a week I get to race her around on our property. This machine also can spit out green grass Louie would tell ya. I have had some run-ins with nearby trees and buildings. I guess in my day and age, I should "slow up" a bit. But I must admit I am getting much better and rarely run into any barriers that are in my way. I found out I can manuever around things and not hit them straight on. But I do love to zip around and do my "wheelies" on my Orange Monster...the breeze feels so good when you put it into 5th. Hey, if any of you want to take me on with your Monster Machine (whatever color it may be) ...just let me know. I love a good race!!
go Debbi! run for your lives, Debbi is drivin the orange monster!! : )
Finally I get to meet the famous "Orange Monster"! Nice wheeley!
I'll bet you could give Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor a run for his money! LOL!
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