Friday, October 24, 2008

More Beautiful Pictures in the Country

Well that is me coming up around the corner from my folks house. I was in search of my son and his girlfriend and guess what??? They found me and he took a photo of me. :o)
Well this is looking back down toward that corner where I came up around and yep..only 30 mph, but I think I would go slower, you don't know what you could come upon in that bend of the road???

Ah, there is that "tree" again...except you can see a bit more how odd it looks..My son, Brian, took the photo and changed the color of it.

Here is a closer picture of those beautiful horses that you saw in my other blog. My son took this one as well. They are just so beautiful to look at.
I want to "Thank" my son for taking these photos and I have more that he and his girlfriend, Katie, took. I will gradually introduce some more of his photos that he took with my new camera. Yep, I got a nice new digital "Canon." But enjoy the beauty of these photos and the countryside of Central New York. My folks live 40 minutes northeast of Binghamton, NY.

1 comment:

Joan Princing Art said...

****Big WAVES**** Hello there Debbi!!! Yeah, another FLOPster to talk with! Thanks for chatting at my blog! How are you! How is LOUIE!!! Give him lots of Hugs from Skippy!
Talk w/you soon,
Joan & Skippy
(I love the country pics in NY! Looks so relaxing and very pretty)