Saturday, June 21, 2008

CEO and Transmission Tech Expert

Well you are probably all wondering what do I do up here in Canada. Well I run a business called Newcastle Transmission. I am CEO and I delegate most of the work to my husband, Ed.
I am also a Transmission (Tranney) Tech Expert. I specialize my talents in the art of cleaning tranney cases, like as you see in this photo here. And I have Ed rebuild them and put them back into our clients vehicles. Since I just started my position this month as CEO, I get to decide what vehicles we can work on or not. So far, I am enjoying it alot!! I'm not to sure about my diligent worker. He isn't use to having a woman tell him what to do, but I figured it was time and since I'm elder to him...I should be respected. :o) But this here photo of me is me hard at work...and I make sure every tranney case is spotlessly clean. They all shine like a special jewel. So this is one of many things I do up here. And Ed says bring your car up and he'll take care of it for you. Later!


Gee said...

Well you can bet Tom and I are packing up right now and heading North... Keep up the great work as CEO... and tell Ed there just could be a raise and some fringe benefits if he does a good job....bol...

A New England Life said...

My gosh Debbi, what a job! No long beautiful finger nails for you. Me either : /


Curliemoes Mom said...

Those are some sexy coveralls you have on Debbi!